I believe it is harder to get established as a recruiter now than it used to be “back in the day.” Once upon a time, you hadto learn how to sell, and then howto apply those sales skills tomethodology of making placements. Pounding the phone atoned for a lot of sins for the unskilled. You could fall into things with effort. But in the contemporary search firm you need to learn 

    1. How to Sell Anything
    2. How to apply those sales skills to our process
    3. How to use the SAS of the office (email, social networking, job boards, search engines, aggregators)
    4. How to converse in a niche you have ABSOLUTELY no training in or knowledge of…

And by the way, you have 8 weeks to pull it off or you are in deep trouble. 

So we take shortcuts. Guess which step suffers? Most of the firms I visit assume the people have sales skills, and only teach steps 2-4 and then suffer the consequences. In this webcast I will take decades of “sales literature”, greats like Ziglar and Hopkins and JD Edwards, and distill what they have taught downto some timeless and powerful techniques that STILL separate the wheat from the chaff, the top producers from the mediocre, and still form the cornerstone of success. And I will do it all in just about an hour. 

Member Price: 

Meeting on DVD: $107.99 
Webcast On-Demand: $34.99 
(FREE for Premium Members)