LinkedIn Inmail Response Rates

Hi Danny, Our LI response rates have plummeted this year and I’m trying to figure out why. We work in the accounting and finance space and we’ve had a historical response rate of about 12.5% which hasn’t been too bad according to LI (it seems the finance/accounting professionals are a tough group to get in touch with via LI Inmail – we certainly have never seen these crazy 20%+ acceptance rates that LinkedIn is always talking about). We’re wondering if the ‘limits on LI Inmails’ that went into effect Jan 1st has caused this decrease – we believe that recruiters realized they now have a limited number of Inmails which as caused everyone to target only the A++ prospects. This in turn may be inundating these prospects to the point they aren’t connecting with anyone using LI? Just speculation on my part and would love to get your insight! My question to you is – have you guys seen a drop off in LI acceptance rates this year and if so, have you made any changes to counter this drop? My Response: My dear friend Jenifer Lambert, one of the most talented speakers in the biz, and one funny lady, cracked me up when I heard her say in [...]

What If?

Hi Danny, Candidate calls and wants to leave Company A. Resume going to Company B. Interview not certain, but likely. Company A has emailed to ask for conversation re: filling position for someone lateral to, or maybe even slightly above, Candidate. So far as I know, not a replacement hire. It remains an open question whether Company A will agree to required retainer. Admittedly hypothetical at this point, but if Company A agrees to pay retainer while Candidate is in interview process with Company B, what would you say to whom? And why? My Response: I love hypotheticals nearly as much as I love hypertrophy, which is actually kind of hyperbolic. (Sorry, I’m kind of hyper. Too much Coffee today.) So let’s do the worst case scenario. Company A finds out you have sent an employee to Company B after they have signed a retainer and accuses you of being a double dipping scoundrel with the most pernicious ethics this side of subprime loans. Document, document, document. Make sure you, through email exchanges, document this timeline. EXAMPLE: 6/11…Candidate reaches out. They were not solicited. Attach the resume sent and time parsed and entered into your CRM. 6/15…You set up the interview at Company B. 6/18…You are asked to help [...]

Hit the Reject Button

Hi Danny, I'll start with a bit of background. I'm a 15+ year recruiter, the last 10 in IT (perm and contract) based in Utah. I've never had more than 3 offers rejected by candidates in a year, but this year (and it's just starting Q2) I already have 5 offers rejected by candidates. 3 perm, 2 contract. 2 rejected because they had higher offers, 3 didn't even have other offers in hand (2 rejected due to commute - that we had already spoken in depth about, but they "changed their mind", and 1 rejected because they couldn't come to an agreement on legal terms in a contract). I checked my numbers - my candidate presentations, 1st interviews, and subsequent interviews are higher than ever. I'm looking for suggestions/solutions. Here are things I've considered: 1. After 15 years I've become complacent and need to drill down harder on "motivators" for candidates to make a move. 2. It is a crazy candidate driven market...I don't remember candidates in the past ever rejecting an offer without at least having something else in hand. I've had 3 this year - they just "know" that they'll have another offer soon, big deal telling you no. 3. We run split desks here. [...]

Script Critique : Your Voicemail Needs A Red Bull

Script: “Hello, my name is Peter and we have not spoken before. I work as an Executive Recruiter in the finance industry. I wanted to get in touch with you regarding a candidate I am working with who has extensive experience in the Audit industry. This person has been working in Audit for 5 years at a Big 4 public accounting firm and has the CA designation. He has also worked as a team leader with regards to many engagements in his firm. You can reach me at XXXXXXXXX. In addition, I would like to discuss with you the needs of your company and how our firm can work with you.”   Listen Here Critique: We know this only approximates your live calls since no matter how hard you try to make it real, you know at some level you are sending it to your training consultant, and alas, I don't want to see your candidate, and if I did, I don't pay fees!! But assuming the call mirrors your average calls, I see why you have struggled. Let's go point by point and sharpen your technique... Start strong...first and last name, with confidence. You say, "Peter" only, then ask if I'm well and then tell me we [...]