Hi Danny,

Our LI response rates have plummeted this year and I’m trying to figure out why. We work in the accounting and finance space and we’ve had a historical response rate of about 12.5% which hasn’t been too bad according to LI (it seems the finance/accounting professionals are a tough group to get in touch with via LI Inmail – we certainly have never seen these crazy 20%+ acceptance rates that LinkedIn is always talking about).

We’re wondering if the ‘limits on LI Inmails’ that went into effect Jan 1st has caused this decrease – we believe that recruiters realized they now have a limited number of Inmails which as caused everyone to target only the A++ prospects. This in turn may be inundating these prospects to the point they aren’t connecting with anyone using LI? Just speculation on my part and would love to get your insight!

My question to you is – have you guys seen a drop off in LI acceptance rates this year and if so, have you made any changes to counter this drop?

My Response:

My dear friend Jenifer Lambert, one of the most talented speakers in the biz, and one funny lady, cracked me up when I heard her say in a seminar:
“You know, 72.8% of all numbers are made up!”

I’m with you on two counts. I never believed the acceptance rates were what they quoted, and of course they have a vested interest in them being high, since you get more Inmails with the higher costing service, but putting my cynical self aside, your second point is much more relevant, i.e., there is a saturation level to these Inmails. In a market (according to Time Magazine, I just quoted this in a video) where the unemployment rate for those with a college level education is 2.7%, candidates come into so many invites and Inmails and emails and texts about “the next great career opportunity” that they tune out.

All the more reason for you to do what we preach here at Hobson and to our ATD members. Use LinkedIn as a primary tool, get their phone numbers (that is what sourcers should be doing to aid planning time for senior recruiters) and call them. Leave a sharp, fun and data point accented voicemail, follow it up with an email that tells them to check their VM. And use a conventional email as a backup plan.

Secondarily, be ruthlessly referral centric. Ask everyone you talk to for help in filling your job. Be evangelical and passionate. Get off the InMail train. The line is too long, the return on investment too little…and dropping.

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